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[6303]軽いやけどが死をもたらします ピッポ 09/1/27(火) 16:39

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Mail & Guardian Online

Chemical warfare in Gaza
Jan 27 2009 06:00

Doctors in Gaza recently described how they had struggled to treat dozens of patients with unusually deadly burns consistent with white phosphorus weapons, inflicted during Israel's three-week war in Gaza.


Nafiz Abu Shabaan, head of the burns unit at Shifa hospital, said 60 to 70 patients died in his unit from severe burns unlike any he had seen before. Patients with relatively small burn injuries, who should survive, were dying unexpectedly.

Nafiz Abu Shabaanは、Shifa病院のやけどのチームの主任ですが、彼は今まで見たことの無い重傷の火傷で、彼のチームだけでも60〜70人の患者が死んだと語りました。比較的傷が小さな火傷患者が、生還するはずなのに、思いもよらず死んでいきました。

His account, with evidence from survivors, corroborated mounting evidence from groups such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International that the Israeli military fired phosphorus shells into populated areas of Gaza in direct violation of international humanitarian law. Amnesty said it believed Israel is guilty of a war crime. The use of white phosphorus in civilian areas is prohibited by UN conventions.


The Israeli military has either denied using white phosphorus or said only that it uses weapons "in compliance with international law".


Last Monday the military said it would launch an internal investigation. Israel's Ma'ariv newspaper said Israel had admitted using phosphorus munitions, but only in open areas. Abu Shabaan said he and his staff had been stunned by the "unusual wounds".

先週の月曜日に、イスラエル軍は内部調査に着手すると言いました。 イスラエルのMa'ariv新聞は、イスラエルがリン兵器の使用を許可した、だだし許可はオープンエリアに対してだけ、だったと伝えました。 医師 Abu Shabaanは、彼と彼のスタッフが「普通ではない火傷」に衝撃を受けたと言いました。

"It starts with small patches and in hours it becomes wide and deep and in some cases reaches the point where even the general condition of the patient deteriorates rapidly and unexpectedly," he said.


Doctors noticed a "very bad odour from the wound", he said. Many patients also suffered unexpected and severe toxicity and had to be rushed into intensive care. In one case a consultant anaesthetist suffered minor burns on his chest from material sprayed from a patient's wounds during an operation.

医師たちは「傷からの非常に悪い匂い」に気付いたと、Abu Shabaanは言いました。 多くの患者は、予期出来ない深刻な毒性に襲われ集中治療に奔走しなければなりませんでした。 あるケースでは、麻酔専門医が手術中に患者の傷からスプレーされた物質で、胸に軽いやけどを負ったこともあります。

Relatively small burns were causing death. "A patient with 15% burns should not die, but we are seeing cases where they do," Abu Shabaan said. He believed the wounds were consistent with phosphorus. He described one patient, a girl of three sent for a scan because of a head wound. "We opened the wound and smoke came from it," he said. Surgeons used forceps to pull a substance from the wound that was "like dense cotton and started to burn until it disappeared." The child died.


「全身で15%の火傷では死なないはずが、死んでしまったケースを何度も見ました」とAbu Shabaan はいいます。火傷はリンに由来するものに違いない、頭部の火傷でスキャンのために送られてきた三歳の少女について「傷を開いたら煙が私に向ってやってきたのです」と彼は語りました。かんしを使って傷から物質を取り出すと、それは「固められた綿のようなもので、それがなくなるまで燃えつづけたのです。」 その子は死にました。

At the Shifa burns unit, Sabbah Abu Halima described how several shells hit her house early in the war, killing her husband, Sa'ad Allah, and four of their children: Abdul Rahim (14), Zayid (10), Hamza (8) and Shahed (15 months old). She herself suffered severe burns, which doctors said seemed consistent with white phosphorus.

Shifa病院のやけどチームで、(患者のひとり)Sabbah Abu Halima が語りました。戦争初期に数個の砲弾を家に受けて夫、Sa'ad Allahと、四人の子供Abdul Rahim (14), Zayid (10), Hamza (8) and Shahed (15 months old)が殺されました。彼女自身も、医師たちがリン由来のものだろうと診る、重篤な火傷に見舞われました。

There were 16 members of the family in the house when the shells struck. "I fell on the ground and there was a fire. The room was full of smoke and it smelt bad," Sabbah said. Her wounds smoked for several hours.

砲弾を受けたとき16人の家族のが家にいました。 「私は地面に落ちました、そして火災がありました。部屋は煙でいっぱいでした、そして悪臭です。」と、Sabbahは言いました。 彼女の傷は数時間煙りを出していたそうです。

The Israeli strike on the warehouses in the main UN compound in Gaza City two weeks ago was also believed to involve white phosphorus shells. Small pieces of burning material were seen after the blast. Last week the remains of hundreds of tons of food and aid in the warehouses were still smouldering. The jagged remains of an artillery shell lay outside.

また、2週間前のガザ市内にある国連総合施設の倉庫に対するイスラエルの攻撃も、やはり白リン弾によるものでした。 燃えている材料の小破片が爆発の後に現れました。 先週は、倉庫に残っていた何百トンもの食糧と援助物資が、まだ燻っていました。 砲弾のぎざぎざした残骸も、外に転がっていました。

Doctors at the Shifa are now keeping tissue biopsies from each patient. "We are asking international organisations to send experts to test which weapons were used and tell us how to deal with such injuries," Abu Shabaan said. "I've been here since 1985 and I've never seen something like this."

Shifa病院の医師たちは現在、各患者からの生検(組織採取)を続けています。 「私たちは、どんな兵器が使われたのか、その傷をどのように治療したらよいか、検査してくれる専門家を送ってほしいと、国際機関に頼んでいます。」とAbu Shabaan は語りました。



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