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[5346]more link CatHK 08/3/10(月) 7:45
[5347]Re(1):more link CatHK 08/3/10(月) 7:49

[5346]more link
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 CatHK E-MAIL  - 08/3/10(月) 7:45 -

   is that all of fake? is it Chinese糾コc・v濠?

http://hk.video.yahoo.com/video/video.html?id=437231 (video)
http://www.diaoyuislands.org/photo/1/1213/1214.html (pic)
http://www.chinayouth.org.hk/anti-japan/victory60years/photo/NanKing/ (pic)

and・ュx do the other thing is 731魁兇,731魁兇is a 禾救魁兇,China have a film call "饗び凶731" , u can search on Youtube,the film is talk about 731魁兇 how to find China people do the live-body test,e.g・、H狐上,・、H・クz <--(i dont know you understand or not),and make the body fingers to ヲB,then use hammer broke it,it's a 18+ film and so terrible,but now we just want to tell japanese (young japanese) the Real History,・掩い郁ヌOらセ・ゥMキ!

Hong Kong people love japanese anything,but we also know the history,we havn't hate japanese,and i am learning らセサywith my Girlfriend too, it's hard to learn(・). ィpヌUらセサy、UもヌNヌ@ ^ ^
80 hits

[5347]Re(1):more link
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 CatHK E-MAIL  - 08/3/10(月) 7:49 -

>is that all of fake? is it Chinese lie?
>http://hk.video.yahoo.com/video/video.html?id=437231 (video)
>http://www.diaoyuislands.org/photo/1/1213/1214.html (pic)
>http://www.chinayouth.org.hk/anti-japan/victory60years/photo/NanKing/ (pic)
>and 皇軍 do the other thing is 731部隊,731部隊is a 細菌部隊,China have a film call "・斥ロ731" , u can search on Youtube,the film is talk about 731部隊 how to find China people do the live-body test,e.g、活人解剖 <--(i dont know you understand or not),and make the body fingers to ice,then use hammer broke it,it's a 18+ film and so terrible,but now we just want to tell japanese (young japanese) the Real History,i hope 中國日本和平!
>Hong Kong people love japanese anything,but we also know the history,we havn't hate japanese,and i am learning japanese with my Girlfriend too, it's hard to learn(笑).^ ^
77 hits

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